середа, 13 серпня 2008 р.

Vienna. Day 3.

PS: Will add more text later :)

Vienna. Day 2.

Karls kirche.
Shadows of the angels and angel of the shadow.



Kunst museum.

Mozart denkmal.

Will add more text later :)

вівторок, 5 серпня 2008 р.

Vienna. Day 1.

I'm in Vienna! Am I really there? Here! Yeas! Exactly I am! :-)
Some quick snapshots from the first day are below...

St. Stephans Dom. View from the street. Really impressing, 137m tower just above your head, if you tilt it so high :-)

St.Stephans Dom, on the way upwards inside the tower.

St.Stephans Dom. View from one of the tower's windows.

PS: will update post later, now it's too late for it.